ACERE 2025 Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Abstracts must be submitted online in the following specific format:

  • All Abstracts must be submitted in English.
  • Abstracts must be an approximately 1000 words.
  • The abstract should clearly state the following:
    • Title
    • Principal Topic (at least 100 words and no more than 500 words)
    • Method (or “Key Propositions” for conceptual papers) (at least 100 words and no more than 300 words)
    • Results and Implications (at least 100 words and no more than 300 words)
  • Abstracts must be text only and there is no need to list the references even if in-text references are used (having a couple of key in-text references may be appropriate).
  • Pictures or graphs should not be submitted.
  • Contact information for all author/s; including name, affiliation and email addresses must be entered in the online submission form. The author(s) name and contact information should not appear anywhere in the abstract.

Good luck with your submissions!

Review Process

We have a 2-stage review process to encourage scholar to submit their very latest research, in an effort to get developmental feedback on their work.

Stage 1: Approx. 1000-word abstract are submitted by 15 September, 2024. This will be peer reviewed and assessed as suitable for the conference (or not). Acceptance guarantees participation in the conference – and you can start planning your travel.

Stage 2: Full 20-page papers are submitted by 15 November. These papers will be peer reviewed and assessed as suitable (or not) for a full paper presentation. This guarantees “full presentation” of your paper. Alternatively, you will be invited to present your paper in a round-table interactive format. Those whom have an abstract submitted but do not submit a full paper will be invited to present in a round-table interactive format.     

Please check our website ACERE 2025 for upcoming details, and do not hesitate to email us at if you have any questions. Please refer to the call for abstracts and submission guidelines for more details.

To submit your abstract, please click here

The Australasian Consortium for Entrepreneurship Research Excellence


Important Dates


  ACERE 2025 Final Program and Daily Schedules (DOWNLOAD)


Conference Program: 
