ACERE 2019


  • Best Paper Award In Entrepreneurial Performance –
    New venture volatility and its consequences

    Alex Coad, Julian S Frankish, Erik Lundmark, David J Storey
    Sponsored by: The University of South AustraliaAn updated version is now published online: Lundmark, E., Coad, A., Frankish, J. & Storey, D. (2019). The liability of volatility and how it changes over time among new ventures. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
  • Best Paper Award In Personality & Sociodemographics –
    Social Purpose Business Intentions: Altruism as a double edged sword.
    Adele Feakes, Noel Lindsay, Chengli Shu, Edward Palmer
    Sponsored by: La Trobe University
  • Best Paper Award In Entrepreneurial Ecosystems –
    Developing a boundary view of the entrepreneurial ecosystem: Seeing the forest not just the trees
    Allan O’Connor, David Audretsch
    Sponsored by: Sydney School of Entrepreneurship
  • Best Qualitative Paper Award –
    Getting a Ticket to the Game: Becoming an entrepreneur amidst multiple demands
    Anna Jenkins, Paul Spee, Sara Ekberg
    Sponsored by: The University of Adelaide
  • Best Quantitative Paper Award –
    The Cross-Country Diffusion of Initial Coin Offerings: An Institutional Theory Perspective
    Cristiano Bellavitis, Tom Vanacker, Douglas Cumming
    Sponsored by: QUT Business School & University of Technology Sydney

Important Dates


"As an early career researcher, the ACERE 2024 conference has been incredibly beneficial for my personal and professional development. The sessions were highly informative, and I had the chance to meet many like-minded individuals. I would definitely encourage more of my colleagues to attend the conference in the future!"

Participant in 2024 Edition of ACERE