We encourage the participation of doctoral students and early career researchers.
Please read all the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES and instructions before you submit.
The abstract portal will is open. CLICK here to upload your abstract.
Submitting authors will be notified mid-September regarding acceptance to the conference.
Abstracts must be submitted online, and uploaded in the following specific format:
- All Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- Abstracts must be a approximately 900 words.
- The abstract should clearly state the:
- Title
- Principal Topic (at least 100 words and no more than 500 words)
- Method (or “Key Propositions” for conceptual papers) (at least 100 words and no more than 300 words)
- Results and Implications (at least 100 words and no more than 300 words)
- Abstracts must be text only and there is no need to list the references even if in-text references are used (having a couple of key in-text references may be appropriate). Pictures or graphs should not be submitted.
- Contact information for all author/s; including name, affiliation and email addresses must be entered in the online submission form. The author(s) name and contact information should not appear anywhere in the abstract.
When uploading your abstract you will see there are separate fields for the Title, Principal Topic, Method, and Results and Implications. Please view the example HERE.
When you complete your submission, you will receive an email with the information you have submitted for that abstract. For ease of reference by our administrative team please include that email in any correspondence where you may need to (1) make a change or (2) have a query about your submission. We will endeavour to answer your queries as efficiently as possible acereconference@qut.edu.au
The suitability of all abstracts will be verified by an international panel of colleagues. If/when accepted, participants will then be invited to submit a 15 page Full Paper. Full papers are due on 1 November 2018. Only full papers submitted on or before this date will be double blind peer reviewed, will qualify for awards and will qualify to be nominated for the PDS Sessions.
When uploading your abstract you will be required to choose keywords that best reflect the character and subject area of your abstract This will be used in assigning reviewers and developing the conference program. You must choose at least one keyword from the following categories:
- Alliances, Teams & Networks
- Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Economies of Entrepreneurship
- Entrepreneurial Cognition
- Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
- Entrepreneurial Growth & Performance
- Entrepreneurial Strategy
- Entrepreneurship Education & Training
- Family Business
- Gender Issues in Entrepreneurship
- High Technology Entrepreneurship/Incubators/
- Technology/Technology Transfer
- Human Resources Management in Entrepreneurship
- Indigenous & Minority Entrepreneurship
- International Entrepreneurship
- New Venture Creation
- New Venture – Risk/Failure/Funding
- Psychology of Entrepreneurship
- Resource Acquisition
- Public Policy for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
- Research Methods & Entrepreneurship
- Small Business Management
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Sociology of Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable & Environmental Entrepreneurship
- Other
You must choose at least one key word from the remaining following categories, and will be able to choose more than one.
- Economics
- Management/Strategy/Organisation
- Psychology, Sociology
- Conceptual
- Quantitative
- Qualitative
Level of Analysis:
- Individual/Team
- Venture/Firm
- Industry/Region/Nation
- Small/New independent Business
- Corporate Entrepreneurship
- Social Entrepreneurship
- Family Business
- High Tech/High Growth/High Potential Business
- Venture Creation
- Performance and Growth
- Gender and Minority
- Finance & Other Resourcing
- Sustainability
- International Business
- Education/Training/Consultancy
Once you hit the submit button you will receive an email with the information you have submitted for that abstract. For ease of reference by our administrative team please include that email in any correspondence where you may need to (1) make a change or (2) have a query about your submission. We will endeavour to answer your queries as efficiently as possible acereconference@qut.edu.au
The abstract portal will is open. CLICK here to upload your abstract.