When: Tuesday, February 8th 2022
Where: Hybrid Mode – On location at Swinburne University (Melbourne) and online for those who cannot travel.
The ACERE Doctoral Consortium is designed to give students the opportunity to:
- Meet leading International and Australian Entrepreneurship researchers
- Obtain expert feedback on specific challenges you face in your research
- Share experiences and build a network with other doctoral students
- Get first-hand experience of the review process
- Gain tips and tricks for finishing, finding a job, and surviving the process
The program provides the opportunity to pitch and receive feedback on your research and any specific challenges you face in an informal discussion setting with leading scholars in the field and hear from experts on developing theory and designing research. You will also get key insights into what happens after the PhD from early career researchers who have started their careers but still have the PhD process in fresh memory.
Confirmed Participating Faculty:
Prof. Dean Shepherd, Kelley School of Business, Indiana University
Prof. Per Davidsson, Queensland University of Queensland
Prof. Tom Lumpkin, The University of Oklahoma
Dr Anna Jenkins, The University of Queensland
Dr Viet Le, Swinburne University
Please note: You do not need to have an abstract accepted to the ACERE Conference program to be considered as a Doctoral Consortium participant. All successful Doctoral Consortium participants will be notified shortly after the deadline as to your acceptance to the Doctoral Consortium.
Preparation requirements:
As part of the application process, you will need to submit a max 1200 overview of your research. You will also be required to write one written review for a paper submitted to the paper development sessions and actively participate in the discussion of the paper.
We also encourage all participants to sign-up as reviewers of abstracts for the conference. This is a great opportunity to give back to the field and get an insight into the review process.
Application Process:
Please email the below details to apply for the doctoral consortium to Anna Jenkins a.jenkins@business.uq.edu.au and Viet Le: clle@swin.edu.au. Applications close on November 10th 2021.
Stage in the PhD Process:
Purpose/Main Research Question (max 400 words):
Main Theories (max 400 words):
Main research method(s) (max 400 words):
For any other enquiry, please email us at acereconference@qut.edu.au