Paper Submission Guidelines

upload your full paper here

Only papers with an accepted abstract are invited to upload a full paper for presentation at the conference.  Please ensure you have read the full paper formatting requirements and that you have your *ABSTRACT SUBMISSION number ready as you will need it to complete the upload of your full paper.

*This abstract submission number is on the ABSTRACT acceptance letter that was sent to the email address of the contact person who uploaded the abstract.  You will not be able to continue with uploading your Full Paper on the submission form until the ABSTRACT SUBMISSION number is entered.

Full papers submitted by 1st October 2019 will qualify for reviewing, awards and may be nominated for inclusion in the Paper Development Sessions (PDS)

Alternatively your full paper can be uploaded by 31 October for inclusion in the regular academic paper program but it will not qualify for reviewing, awards or the PDS program.

Peer Reviews, Program Inclusion and Conference Proceedings

All full papers received by the deadline of Wednesday 1 October will be sent for reviewing.

Only submissions where there is a registered & paid presenting author (or delegate) as at 15 November 2019 will be included in the Program.

Acknowledgement of receipt of your paper will be emailed to you. This will give you the opportunity to check the details of your submission, including the title, abstract, author details etc. These details will then be included in the Conference Handbook and Program.   If you do identify an error please do not resubmit as this will create a double up in the system, rather please email who can assist you in correcting your submission details.

ACERE no longer produces a Conference Proceedings. We understand that you may require a statement of your participation and/or presentation of your paper at the conference for funding purposes, in this case please forward a draft word document that includes the details and wording that you require to the conference organisers

Full Paper Formatting Requirements

  • You must ensure that the author/s name and contact information does not appear anywhere in your document, including the file name.
  • Please use Microsoft Word ONLY
  • Submissions must be in English
  • Font: Times New Roman, Size 12
  • Paragraph: Single spacing, justified
  • Page format A4
  • Page Margins (top: 2.5cm, bottom: 2.5cm, left: 2.5cm, right: 2.5cm)
  • Maximum number of pages is 15 inclusive of figures, tables and references (If paper is longer than 15 pages, it will be returned to you for editing, the edited version must be submitted by the deadline)
  • Your abstract (maximum 200 words) must be entered into the field provided on the submission.
  • Commence your document with title, followed by introduction
  • Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page and should be kept to a minimum.
  • Appendices should immediately follow the body of the paper. The word Appendix should be a first level heading. If there is more than one appendix, number each consecutively.
  • All acceptances are contingent on receipt of a full paper that essentially matches what was outlined in the Abstract (minor deviations are, of course, acceptable; however major change in topic or not providing data/empirical results where such were ‘promised’ are not acceptable).

For further information please email 

Please ensure you have read the full paper formatting requirements and that you have your ABSTRACT SUBMISSION number ready as you will need it to complete the upload of your full paper.



Important Dates
