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Embrace Sustainability: Green Transportation to UTS Campus

As advocates for education and environmental responsibility, we encourage all visitors to consider adopting sustainable transportation options when travelling to our campus. Located in the city’s heart, there are various eco-friendly ways to reach us at UTS.

1. Public Transportation:

Train: UTS is conveniently connected to Sydney’s train network. The Central Station, just a stone’s throw away from our campus, is a major hub that connects various train lines, making it an easy and efficient way to reach us.

Bus: Sydney boasts an extensive bus network and several routes have stops close to UTS. Use the Transport for NSW trip planner to find the best route for your journey.

Light Rail: The new light rail system provides a smooth and sustainable mode of transportation. The Ultimo station is near our campus, offering a convenient option for visitors.

2. Cycling:

If you’re a cycling fan, UTS has dedicated bike racks and facilities available for your use. Sydney’s expanding bike lanes and paths network ensures a safe and enjoyable cycling experience while reducing your carbon footprint.

3. Carpooling:

Opt for carpooling if you’re travelling with friends or colleagues. Sharing rides reduces emissions and eases traffic congestion, contributing to a more sustainable urban environment.

4. Walking:

Walking to UTS is a great way to enjoy the city and its vibrant atmosphere if you’re in the vicinity. Walking promotes a healthier lifestyle and supports our collective effort to reduce emissions.

Choosing sustainable transportation options aligns with UTS’s commitment to creating a more environmentally conscious community. You’re contributing to a cleaner and healthier future by making conscious choices.


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"As an early career researcher, the ACERE 2024 conference has been incredibly beneficial for my personal and professional development. The sessions were highly informative, and I had the chance to meet many like-minded individuals. I would definitely encourage more of my colleagues to attend the conference in the future!"

Participant in 2024 Edition of ACERE