Paper Submission Guidelines

Only papers with an accepted abstract are invited to upload a full paper for presentation at the conference. Please ensure you have read the full paper formatting requirements.

  • Full papers submitted by the 15th of December 2022 will qualify for reviewing and awards.
  • Alternatively, your full paper needs to be uploaded by the 30th of December 2022 for inclusion in the regular academic paper program/presentation, however, it will not qualify for reviewing and awards.  

Click here to submit your full paper

Full paper formatting requirements

  • File name should be ‘ACERE_2023_Abstract Submission ID’ – example: ‘ACERE 2023_A222’
  • You must ensure that the author/s name and contact information does not appear anywhere in your document, including the file name.
  • Please use Microsoft Word ONLY
  • Submissions must be in English
  • Font: Times New Roman, Size 12
  • Paragraph: Double spacing, alig left
  • Page format A4
  • Page Margins (top: 2.5cm, bottom: 2.5cm, left: 2.5cm, right: 2.5cm)
  • Maximum number of pages is 30 inclusive of figures, tables and references (If paper is longer than 30 pages, it will be returned to you for editing, the edited version must be submitted by the deadline).
  • Your abstract (maximum 200 words) must be entered into the field provided on the submission.
  • Commence your document with title, followed by introduction.
  • Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page and should be kept to a minimum.
  • Appendices should immediately follow the body of the paper. The word Appendix should be a first level heading. If there is more than one appendix, number each consecutively.
  • All acceptances are contingent on receipt of a full paper that essentially matches what was outlined in the Abstract (minor deviations are, of course, acceptable; however major change in topic or not providing data/empirical results where such were ‘promised’ are not acceptable).

For further information please email 


Important Dates


  ACERE 2025 Final Program and Daily Schedules (DOWNLOAD)


Conference Program: 
