Paper Development Sessions (PDS)

PDS participants (authors/chairs/reviewers) CLICK HERE for Important Information, program and templates.   Please note that the PDS participants page is password protected (contact Karen Taylor for the password).

Authors of submitted papers may nominate their paper for inclusion in a PDS.   These sessions are expert-led group discussions of selected papers that were submitted to the conference, with an aim to prepare them for publication in a suitable journal.   At least one academic with deep experience in high tier, international publication and two other participants will provide written as well as face-to-face feedback in a friendly, constructive discussion format.

Additional participants will sit in an provide further feedback at their discretion. About 40 minutes will be devoted to each paper. Depending on the number of submissions and other factors, about 25-50 percent of submitted papers will be offered to participate in a PDS.

The selection will be based on

  1. stated preference;
  2. timeliness of submission, and
  3. quality of the submission, and
  4. fit with the available experts.

Participants at all level of prior publication experience and all stages of their career are welcome to participate, and typically all these groups appreciate and benefit greatly from this type of session.  However, some preference will be given to doctoral students and early career researchers.   In addition, your full paper must be submitted by the November 2 deadline to be considered for a PDS session.

Participants who have their paper discussed in a PDS will also be required to provide written reviews of 1-2 other PDS papers, and to actively participate in these papers’ sessions.

Thus, the PDS are designed to provide both authorship and reviewer/mentorship training.   Through participation as reviewer and in the discussion together with highly experienced experts you will acquire “tacit knowledge” and “tricks of the trade” in a very hands-on manner.

You will have the opportunity to nominate your paper for the PDS session selection when uploading your full paper.  Your full paper must be submitted by the November 2 deadline to be considered for a PDS session.

Submitting authors will be notified of acceptance of their paper to the PDS session in mid-December 2015.


Important Dates


  ACERE 2025 Final Program and Daily Schedules (DOWNLOAD)


Conference Program: 
