Welcome to ACERE 2021!

ACERE 2021 (Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research Exchange), which in this year is co-organized by QUT and Bond University, will be held 9 to 12 February 2021.

Please note that due to COVID-19 restrictions, ACERE 2021 will be different than the previous ones. The Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research together with the ACERE Academic Committee, comprised of leading entrepreneurship scholars from Australia and the greater region, has worked hard on a conference format that guarantees the high academic quality of the conference and enables a high level of academic exchange in an effective way. 

The 2021 conference will keep the typical ACERE structure (Doctoral Consortium, Educators Forum, Interactive Paper Presentations, Paper Development Workshops, Panel Discussions, Best Paper Awards Session, Social Events) but will be offered via on online format that allows all participants, including international participants from various continents, to participate in all types of sessions in a way that guarantees a high-level of academic exchange. This also involves high-caliber keynote speakers, like in every ACERE. 

Importantly, we also plan for a few activities to be held offline (physical location in Brisbane and Gold Coast in collaboration with Bond University) – so ACERE 2021 will be a hybrid format, essentially (but those participants that cannot attend physically do not miss anything and benefit from the whole program via interactive online formats over 4 conference days that provide the “authentic” ACERE feeling).

The conference will be accessible through our conference APP and website. In order to make sure of the smooth running of the conference program, all authors who have submitted a paper by 10 December will be required to submit a pre-recorded 20-minute video presentation by 31 December 2020. All details about the new conference format and how to register will be made available to each author as the program is developed.   All presenting authors are expected to be registered by 10 January 2020 for their paper to be included in the program. 

At this stage we expect the online registration fee to be: General AUD 100, Student AUD 50

We hope to see you virtually or physically at ACERE 2021!

Stay safe and sincerely,

Martin Obschonka


Important Dates
