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ACERE 2023 – Registration, Submission Details and Additional Information About Events

Dear ACERE Community, 

We are excited to share with you additional details about ACERE 2023.  


Registration to ACERE 2023 is now open! Please register via the ACERE Registration link

Early bird prices, if you register before the 15th of December:

  • Student: AUD $350
  • Regular: AUD $790 

If you register after the 15th of December:

  • Student: AUD $450 
  • Regular: AUD $890 

Paper Development Workshops 

The Journal of Business VenturingAcademy of Management Review, and Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice will be running Paper Development Workshops (PDWs) in the lead-up to the conference on the 7th of February.  The calls for submissions are now open! Please find more details under Paper Development Workshops. The deadline to apply for the PDWs is the 3rd of January 2023

Doctoral Consortium 

Application for the Doctoral Consortium is open until the 15th of December. The DC provides a unique opportunity to learn from leading international and local experts in entrepreneurship and management. Confirmed participating faculty include: 

  • Sherry Thatcher, The University of Tennessee, and Editor at AMR 
  • Greg Fisher, Indiana University and Associate Editor at AMR 
  • Jeff McMullen, Indiana University, Editor-in-Chief of JBV 
  • Dean Shepherd, Notre Dame University 
  • Per Davidsson, Queensland University of Technology and Jönköping University

To apply for the consortium, please fill in the ACERE Doctoral Consortium Submission Form.

Educators Forum – Preparing Future Entrepreneurs 

Application for the Educators Forum is open until the 7th of December.  

What is next for entrepreneurship education? How do we best prepare future entrepreneurs? If you are at the forefront and making a difference in this space the ACERE Educators’ Forum is for you. Facilitate your best workshop or give a short `show and share` TED-talk style presentation, learn from the experts developing cutting edge approaches and meet others passionate about entrepreneurship education. 

To apply for the Educators Forum, please fill in the ACERE Educators Forum Submission Form

Paper Submission  

Thank you for everyone who has submitted an abstract for consideration in the Main Conference. Congratulations to those who got their abstracts accepted! To present at the conference, please follow the steps in the Paper Submission Guidelines to submit your full papers and make sure you have your Abstract Submission ID ready.  

Please note that the deadline to submit your papers is the 30th of November and the maximum number of pages is 30.  

Best Paper Awards 

If you submit your full paper by the 30th of November, it will be reviewed and evaluated for the following awards. Stay tuned for more details! 

  • Best Quantitative Paper 
  • Best Qualitative Paper 
  • Best PhD Student Paper 
  • Best ECR Paper 

Online Participation 

To continue the reach that the online conference of 2021 and 2022 enabled, we will offer a purely online stream of paper presentations to welcome participation from delegates who face significant resource constraints preventing them from participating face-to-face in the conference. We will also provide non-synchronized access to the keynote presentations.  

Accommodation Options

Please find more information here about ACERE 2023 Accommodation Options.

Key Dates 

Submission and Deadlines:

  • Full paper submission deadline for the conference: 30 November 2022 
  • Educators Forum submission deadline: 7 December 2022 
  • Application for the Doctoral Consortium: 15 December 2022 
  • Registration early bird prices: 15 December 2022 
  • PDWs submission deadline: 3 January 2023 


  • Doctoral Consortium: 6 February 2023 
  • Paper Development Workshops: 7 February 2023 
  • Educators Forum: 7 February 2023 
  • Industry Forum: 10 February 2023 
  • Main Conference: 8-10 February 2023 

Social Events:

  • Welcome Reception: 7 February 2023 
  • Social Event: 8 February 2023 
  • Awards Night: 9 February 2023 

Important Dates
