Thanks to everyone who submitted their scholarly work for consideration for the 2020 ACERE conference, we are now looking forward to the 2020 conference to be held in Adelaide (Doctoral Consortium 4&7 February; Academic Paper Program & PDS 5-7 February; Entrepreneurship Educators Forum 4 February).
Like in the last years we again received a high number of submission, this year from 30 countries, which is great news. ACERE is the leading entrepreneurship research conference in Australasia with a strong international outreach and high-caliber keynote (the confirmed 2020 keynotes are David Audrtesch, Sara Carter, Dean Shepherd etc..).
However, we need your help – we need more external reviewers for the paper submission. To everyone who has already signed up to review, THANK YOU!
Please sign-up to be a reviewer HERE
The reviewing period for full papers is 15 October to 30 November.
Your contribution as a reviewer is highly valued and essential for such as paper-based conference format.
I hope we can count on you and maybe welcome you in person during ACERE2020 in Adelaide or one of the ACERE conferences in the next years.
Martin Obschonka
Director, Australian Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (ACE)
Chair, Academic Committee, ACERE conference